Sunday, February 22, 2015

Simple Readers' Advisory Promotion

Retrieved from
I came across this awesome Readers' Advisory idea on Pinterest.  Each staff member wears this button and fills in the blank.  This provides a great opportunity for patron to ask about the current read.  I'm thinking this is a very simple idea, but effective.


  1. I'm in love with those buttons! I just emailed them to my boss. What a great idea!!

  2. I'm in love with those buttons! I just emailed them to my boss. What a great idea!!

  3. I'm excited about this, too! It's a great conversation starter, and if we use them consistently, patrons will figure out whose reading tastes are similar to theirs and check out their button, or ask about a good book. And it's SO easy!

  4. Yep these are amazing, I also just emailed my boss!!! Reading pins all around. Erin, were you able to get them?
